In our old artiq hardware box, which is artiq 4.0 version, we can use "artiq.protocols" package to create a client in python environment.
from artiq.protocols.pc_rpc import (Client)
schedule, exps, datasets = [
Client(’::1’, 3251, ’master_’ + i) for i in ’schedule experiment_db dataset_db’.split()
expid1 = dict(
file = ’repository/count/’,
class_name = ’inputtest’,
arguments= dict(
rid = schedule.submit(
pipeline_name=’main’, expid=expid1, priority=0, due_date=None, flush=False)
However, recently we buy a new artiq hardware box. When I run the code used on old artiq hardware box(artiq 4.0), it is shown that there is no artiq.protocols package.
So how can I use client same as old version in artiq 6.0?