M-Labs Forum
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All Discussions
Clarifications regarding the ARTIQ release model and AFWS
ARTIQ-8 released
NAC3 - New ARTIQ Compiler 3: Prealpha release
How to use this forum properly
Control Stabilizer from Kasli
Difficulty tracking cause of underflow in experiment
Bash scripting to for MSYS2 with ARTIQ?
Looking for stabilizer mezzanine with AD9910 (or similar) DDS
Ramp Function with SUServo
Can not access to Vivado when building the ARTIQ
device_db with DRTIO satellite
Inquiry about Bidirectional TTL in Output Mode
Which SFP speeds for different Kasli & Kasli SoC versions?
Kasli SoC `aux packet error (link down)` and `DrtioError(LinkDown)`
DRTIO satellite: Kasli SoC vs. Kasli?
How do users choose folder to save data in?
Booster stucked in reboot cycle
Automated firmware building for the Kasli SoC
artiq-zynq compilation from December 2024 crashes?
How do I flash `boot.bin` instead of `<afws_directory>`?
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