For future reference to anyone who had this problem, below is some sample code to test the Zotino leds. The numbers in base 10 are simply 0-256 where 0 is all leds off to 256 where all leds are on.
My problem ended up being that the secondary port-expansion card in the back of my Kasli core was loose. It also gave the error "DAC CONTROL readback mismatch". Thanks to Sebastien for the help in figuring it out!
from artiq.experiment import *
class ZotinoLED(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
self.setattr_device("zotino0") #This is the Zotino
self.dac=self.zotino0 #Defines Zotino as dac
def run(self):
self.core.reset() #Clears the core
self.dac.init() #Initializes Zotino
delay(1*ms) #Delay
for i in range(0,256,1): #Step from 0-256 in steps of 1. You should see the leds flashing on Zotino
delay(10*s) #All leds will stay on for 10 seconds after the loop has finished then turn off
self.dac.set_leds(0) ```