I am trying to building a developmental environment to build my own custom gateware. The current ARTIQ version is version 7+ which requires the use of nix flakes however reverting to release version 6, I getting the following errors. I did not get these errors before the release of ARTIQ 7+ but I am sure it is an error on my behalf and nothing to do with the recent release. Could someone please advise me.
File "/nix/store/32q6ryrb860sksdi1al5djg3pgcpq92l-python3-3.8.11/lib/python3.8/unittest/case.py", line 753, in fail
raise self.failureException(msg)
AssertionError: {'action': 'setitem', 'path': [2], 'key': 'status', 'value': 'preparing'} != {'path': [0], 'action': 'setitem', 'value': 'running', 'key': 'status'}
{'action': 'setitem', 'key': 'status', 'path': [2], 'value': 'preparing'}
? ^ - ^^^^
{'action': 'setitem', 'key': 'status', 'path': [0], 'value': 'running'}
? ^ ^^^