@ajras yes, that is one of the applications of DAX. When using the DAX system components, the goal is to assist the development of system-specific control code with modules and services which can eventually implement generic interfaces such as the OperationInterface of DAX, which is a gate-level API. Then through various tools that DAX provides, it is possible to link and run gate-level programs on your system such as the ones shown here https://gitlab.com/duke-artiq/dax-example/-/tree/master/programs . We have already demonstrated this in our lab. That same OperationInterface API is also used for generic DAX RB and GST experiments using pyGSTi. We call those clients and those are shown here https://gitlab.com/duke-artiq/dax/-/blob/master/dax/clients/pygsti.py . That code also already runs in lab on our systems.
Then the next target is to make libraries such as QisKit output DAX.program code (as shown in the examples). NC State is actually working on such a project (currently still private). That would then make the link between high-level quantum programming languages and ARTIQ control systems running on DAX-based software.
In March or so I will hopefully have some time to improve the wiki pages and further extend the DAX example project to demonstrate to people how these tools can be used.