Hello - I have recently started with ARTIQ. I have become familiar with the tutorials and have started exploring building a panel dashboard for our experiments. I have built a small panel with PyQT5 in a separate file, and now want to integrate this as an applet for my dashboard, but there seems to be few examples around.
I believe I need to do the following. Untested, a panel would look something like:
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
# Applet import
from artiq.applets.simple import SimpleApplet
class Main_Dash(QMainWindow):
# initialize, panel stuff here
def main():
# app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# ex = Main_Dash()
applet = SimpleApplet(Main_Dash())
if __name__ == '__main__':
Next, in my dashboard, I somehow need to create an applet. This is where I get lost. How do I format my shell script to launch my custom made panel? The example is:
${artiq_applet}plot_xy Y_DATASET --x X_DATASET --error ERROR_DATASET --fit FIT_DATASET
Do I replace artiq_applet? Or should I simply copy one of the ones inside of the environment and place it there - something like Anaconda\envs\artiq\Lib\site-packages\artiq\applets? If anyone has good strategies for where they keep their applets I would be interested (been looking at DAX as well, but still learning about the ccb)