Hello all, this question is probably straightforward but for whatever reason I am struggling with it.
I am trying to use an alias in my device_db.py folder. According to the manual, having an entry as a string will allow for the string to be used as a key for a new lookup in the device database. I have my function formatted similar to the following:
device_db = {
"core": {
"type": "local",
"module": "artiq.coredevice.core",
"class": "Core",
"arguments": {"host": core_addr, "ref_period": 1e-09}
# --- Aliases --- #
"ttl4": "trigger",
In my experiment, I have the following:
"""TTL Alias Test Experiment"""
def build(self):
And I get an error saying that we cannot find the key for "trigger". Am I formatting this improperly? Or am I missing something else entirely? Thanks!