Hi all,
A little prehistory to give a context of my couple of questions. We are planning to implement a realtime input to readout a cavity transmission, fit the Lorenzian and jump the frequency to be on resonant during the next probe. In order to do so, I am thinking of implementing RPC to use host to do the fit for the core. I have following questions that will help me understand how to improve the current solution.
I was reading the manual but I couldn't find the answer to what the host and core actually are.
I assumed from my experince with Artiq that the host is the lab computer and core is the FPGA based Kasli. Is it correct? Or is the host some CPU on the Kasli itself?
The answer then will let us understand better RPCs and what limits the speed. We have impirically observed that sampling a variable, using RPC call that returns that same variable and assigns an output of the Zotino takes at least 5ms. Is it a normal latency times?
I also was thinking about the fact that in the @kernel function run there are some arithmetical operations like 5*us or 5-2 is also possible. Is it done on the FPGA or does the host precalculates everything and then under the hood assigns the corresponding values in machine units? If FPGA is doing it, my question will be, is there a limit of functions that FPGA can do without the need for RPC?
Thanks in advance!