We have an issue where our experiment will occasionally hang indefinitely without moving to the next experiment shot. No error is thrown when this happens. I believe it is actually an issue to do with the Kasli overheating, as it happens more frequently when the Kasli's ventilation is reduced.
To fix this problem I am planning on using the scheduler to delete the RID in question--the experiment runs smoothly when a hanging RID is deleted via the ARTIQ dashboard. To implement this fix I need to access the scheduler using sipyco
. Are there any code examples I can reference to accomplish this?
For those curious, the code I am using the read the dashboard status is below:
import asyncio
from time import time_ns
class ArtiqState():
def __init__(self, master_ip=ARTIQ_MASTER_IP, notify_port=ARTIQ_NOTIFY_PORT, sleep_interval=1):
# Store IP and port
self.master_ip = master_ip
self.notify_port = notify_port
# Store sleep interval
self.sleep_interval = sleep_interval
# Create dictionaries to track state
self.artiq_schedule = {}
self.artiq_dataset = {}
async def connect(self, dataset_callback=None, schedule_callback=None):
# Create subscribers
dset_sub = Subscriber('datasets', lambda x: x, lambda mod: ArtiqState._update_state(self.artiq_dataset, dataset_callback, mod))
sched_sub = Subscriber('schedule', lambda x: x, lambda mod: ArtiqState._update_state(self.artiq_schedule, schedule_callback, mod))
# Connect to ARTIQ master
await dset_sub.connect(self.master_ip, self.notify_port)
await sched_sub.connect(self.master_ip, self.notify_port)
# Enter endless loop to keep connections alive
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(self.sleep_interval)
def _update_state(target, callback, mod):
# Target initialization
if mod['action'] == 'init':
# Item modified perform update
elif mod['action'] == 'setitem':
ArtiqState._update_at_path(target, mod['path'], mod['key'], mod['value'])
# Item deleted
elif mod['action'] == 'delitem':
del target[mod['key']]
# If callback is not None, call
if callback is not None:
def _update_at_path(target, path, key, value):
"""Updates a dictionary containing sub dictionarys or lists specified by the path. This is used to update values when the ARTIQ datasets and schedule send out setitem updates."""
if len(path) == 0:
target[key] = value
ArtiqState._update_at_path(target[path[0]], path[1:], key, value)
if __name__ == '__main__':
ar = ArtiqState()
async def mon():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if 'misc.scan_idx' in ar.artiq_dataset and 'misc.scan_max' in ar.artiq_dataset and 'timestamp' in ar.artiq_dataset:
idx = ar.artiq_dataset['misc.scan_idx'][1][0]
max_idx = ar.artiq_dataset['misc.scan_max'][1]
lt = ar.artiq_dataset['timestamp']
print(f'last timestamp: {lt[1][idx]}')
if lt[1][idx] != -1:
current_rid = -1
for rid in list(ar.artiq_schedule.keys()):
if ar.artiq_schedule[rid]['status'] == 'running':
current_rid = rid
time_delta_s = (time_ns()-lt[1][idx])/1e9
print(f'time diff={time_delta_s}')
if time_delta_s > 60:
print('No shots for 1 min, deleting current RID to unfreeze ARTIQ.')
async def spawn():
await asyncio.gather(ar.connect(), mon())