I have a Kasli FPGA carrier and an 8-channel SMA TTL card.
According to the manual, I have written a program rtio.py to generate TTL pulses. The program is shown below. To run this program, I need to run "artiq_run rtio.py" in the anaconda command prompt. However, I want to integrate the ARTIQ with the python program I am using to control all the other devices in my experimental setup. I run my python program using either Pycharm/VSCode.
Could you please advise how I can write commands in PyCharm/VSCode to control the artiq? It is necessary to integrate the artiq in the same python program as all other devices in my setup, for the right synchronization and control flow.
Please let me know if this is possible. I would deeply appreciate your help.
Best Regards,
Madhav Gupta
Code for rtio.py:
`from artiq.experiment import *
class Tutorial(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
def run(self):
for i in range(1000000):