I'm trying to fire a TTL based off of a very long pulse sequence. The method I believe to be fastest is to:
1) Chunk the long message into smaller blocks
2) Load the first block into memory using the core DMA
3) Loop through the blocks by parallelizing: (i) play back the stored block and (ii) record the next block
My issue is that I am getting an RTIOUnderFlow error whenever I try to play back the sequence of events stored in memory. The error occurs at the first playback. See code below for an example:
class DMAPulses(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
self.setattr_device("ttl5") # connected to a laser
self.setattr_device("ttl7") # gating pulse for PMT
self.setattr_device("ttl0_counter") # returns from PMT
def prepare(self):
# Create PRBS signal
msg = np.random.rand(5000, 1)
self.msg = [int(np.round_(x)) for x in msg]
def run(self):
# define the first block to be loaded
self.load_block = self.msg[0:1000]
self.record_kernel("block 0", self.load_block) # record the first waveform
for i in range(5):
p_handle = "block " + str(i)
c_handle = "block " + str(i+1)
if i < 4:
self.load_block = self.msg[(i+1) * 1000 : (i+2) * 1000]
self.run_kernel(p_handle, c_handle, False)
self.run_kernel(p_handle, c_handle, True)
def run_kernel(self, p_handle, c_handle, end):
with parallel:
if not end:
self.record_kernel(c_handle, self.load_block)
with sequential:
prev_handle = self.core_dma.get_handle(p_handle)
self.core_dma.playback_handle(prev_handle) # UNDERFLOW OCCURS HERE UPON FIRST ITERATION
count = self.ttl0_counter.fetch_count()
def record_kernel(self, handle, block):
with self.core_dma.record(handle):
for val in block:
with parallel:
if val == 1: # fire the laser for a "1", don't fire for a "0"
print("recorded " + handle)
Any ideas on how to handle this?
EDIT: Not sure why the build()
method is formatting like that, but the rest should be legible.