I am trying to get an RF out of the phaser upconverter board. Previously I had made a post regarding the same issue and I thought the my mistake was because the frequency I was generating was too high for the oscilloscope. I switched over and measured with a spectrum analyzer and I was able to measure a frequency of 2.87 GHz. However, when I try to output a different RF value out of the phaser board by changing this line of code from 2.87 GHz to 200 MHz and measure again with the spectrum analyzer :
self.phaser0.channel[0].oscillator[0].set_frequency(200 * MHz)
I still only measure 2.87 GHz. I tried setting the frequency to other values and still I am not able to see any other frequency when I measure. I tried following this script from this post, but I am unable to measure frequencies between 1.251 GHz and 1.255 GHz just as the poster says they're able to get.
I also tried the artiq_sinara_tester.py script but I still cannot see any other frequency beside the 2.87GHz. For reference, I am using Spike spectrum analyzer to measure RF.
One thing I did was return the ftw value from the set_freqeuncy method under the PhaserOscillator class.
def set_frequency(self, frequency):
"""Set Phaser MultiDDS frequency.
:param frequency: Frequency in Hz (passband from -10 MHz to 10 MHz,
wrapping around at +- 12.5 MHz)
ftw = int32(round(frequency*((1 << 30)/(6.25*MHz))))
When I set the frequency to 3 * MHz, the value I get returned is around 578 MHz. I thought I would measure 578 MHz on the Spike software, but I still do not see it. I have even set the range on Spike to range from 100 MHz to 3 GHz, with a step size oh 10 KHz. I am unsure what I am doing wrong.
Additionally, how do I which phaser gateware I have? Is it based on the version of artiq?