M-Labs Forum
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Noise on Fastino output?
Urukul v1.5.4: LD5, LD6, LD8 and LD2 remain dark, `AD9910.init()` crashes
Can 4412DDS / AD9912 set atte individually for every channel?
Fastino <-> Kasli Communication
Allied Vision Camera control with ARTIQ
artiq8 gateware mismatch
Stabilizer does not respond anymore after updating /net/broker
kc705 build gateware error
Running one Urukul channel deattenuates the other channel during a new run
"FPGA DONE" LED location
Decoding via PuTTY
ClockFailure on run
Kasli Gateware/Firmware build fails with artiq stable branch
SD card boot vs. JTAG boot?
1 satellite on master Kasli SoC: Does the SFP port matter?
Stabilizer microcontroller as frequency counter
`nix develop` in artiq-zynq compiles packages from source for > 1 hour
`artiq_coremgmt reboot` fails!
`"core_addr"` in system desc. file vs. `ip`-key in `config.txt`?
"core_addr" in system description file of satellite?
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